With us you find the right agency partner!

Comprehensive market overview • deep industry insights • well connected • worldwide partner network • for public and non-public companies of all sizes


FRANCIS DRAKE Pitch Consultancy is your expert for agency search and agency selection, agency contracts, agency remuneration and public tenders in the digital age.

With more than 50 years of combined experience in the communications industry, we find the agency perfectly tailored to you using proven and systematic selection procedures – across all industries and communications disciplines.

We are a Full-Service-Pitch Consultancy: our extensive consulting services respond to and solve all issues that you encounter when dealing with and in day-to-day business with agencies.

Here you can get an overview of our services and expertise. If you would like to find out more, call us at any time on +49 40 210 91 12 70.

Or write an email to ahoi@francisdrake-pitchberatung.de

We look forward to hearing from you.

Our expertise assures
you success

Agency search & Agency selection

We are your expert for agency selection in the digital age with extensive industry experience. Specialised in the markets of the D/A/CH region and optimally networked with the rest of the world. Gain important insights and decisive knowledge advantages with us. Together we will find the right agency for you out of the many.

> Weiterlesen

Agency contracts

Together, we make sure that your agency contract meets all communication requirements. And that all issues that may arise from the cooperation with agencies in day-to-day business are indeed comprehensively regulated. Try our free quick check in this regard.

> Weiterlesen

Agency remuneration

We will provide you with answers to all questions regarding optimally structured agency remuneration in line with the market. For all communication disciplines, taking into account the chosen agency contract and other framework conditions, as well as all conceivable remuneration options.

> Weiterlesen

Agency management & Agency models

Put your marketing power on the road. Further expand your market position and increase your competitiveness. We support you with the constantly growing and ever-increasing demands and challenges of digitalised communication. Together, we develop customised, future-proof agency models.

> Weiterlesen

Strategy consulting

Our own experience in strategic brand management on the agency side combined with the expertise of hand-picked strategy and brand experts experienced in successful cooperation ensure that you get the right answers to all questions.

> Weiterlesen

Public tendering

When public institutions, associations or companies are required to find your advertising agencies or communications service providers by means of tendering, they need to comply with a myriad of strict legal requirements. And at the same time, communication skills are needed.

> Weiterlesen

Process consulting

With us, you will get answers to the questions of what needs to happen for communications measures and content to be released, how you can save time and costs and how you can sustainably optimise your budget while preserving various interests and intentions.

> Weiterlesen

Marketing training

Not all members of the marketing team are always on the same level of knowledge when it comes to cooperation with agencies and communication service providers. We make you and your team fit in all questions concerning the rules of communication and the principles of cooperation.

> Weiterlesen


  • Once you have worked with Francis Drake, at the latest, you will recognise the added value of a pitch consultancy. A very pleasant and professional cooperation that leads to a valuable result! We had a lot of fun working together. Our expectations were exceeded by far. Be assured that we will come back to you if we look for a new agency again.
    Silva Imken
    Head of Marketing Annemarie Börlind
  • We thank you very much for the excellent cooperation. It was fun and you were a great help to us. With your support and expertise, together we got it to work the way it should.
    AOK Bundesverband
    Abteilung Marketing und Vertrieb GE Markt/Produkte
  • After a successful completion of our search for a creative agency, I would like to thank you very much for the professional support. From the long list of agencies for the structured preparation of the documents to the "Chemistry checks", you have more than fulfilled our expectations. Furthermore, the cooperation was always very constructive and cooperative - just as you would wish from a good Business relationship. I will recommend you in any case.
    Kornelia Peters
    Head of Marketing ARAG Insurance
  • With the help of Francis Drake we managed to find the needle in the haystack.
    Sandra Honner
    Head of Marketing audius AG
  • The support provided by FRANCIS DRAKE Pitchberatung in this ambitious award procedure was absolutely professional and we are extremely satisfied with the result. Many, many thanks for the support and the cooperation, which was great fun at all times 👍🏻
    Cathleen Wenning-Weber & Ines Bauer
    Head of Selective Contracts | Officer Contract Working Group BKK Landesverband Bayern
  • I would like to thank Francis Drake once again for the productive partnership and very professional cooperation. You transformed our complex job profile into a very focused and systematic selection process. You have surprised us through the whole process with a great range of highly qualified agencies, which are highly relevant for our task. Overall, you have saved us precious time and delivered excellent content results in a short time. We all look forward to working with our new agency. I am happy to recommend Francis Drake.
    Nadja D. Ohlendorf
    Marketing Director Bonduelle
  • The "Principles of Cooperation with Agencies" workshop with Francis Drake has shown us what we should pay attention to when working with agencies in the future, how important it is to create liabilities and ambiguities to appeal. It has become clear to us how to negotiate and which rules to apply for professional handling on equal terms. Our conclusion – a successful event we recommend.
    Marco Behn
    Head of Communications and Marketing Bremer Landesbank
  • In general, I know a lot about the agency landscape. However, Francis Drake impressed me with their market and industry expertise. Based on clear decision templates, I was able to select three top agencies after the chemistry check for the upcoming pitch. All in all, Francis Drake saved me a lot of time, which I could use elsewhere. Thanks a lot for this.
    Christian Bauer
    Marketing Director Central Europe Burger King
  • From the determination of requirements, the market screening, the short-list creation, the detail selection, the chemistry check up to the final competition presentation, we were accompanied by you objectively and professionally. We were also able to benefit from your profound market knowledge during the subsequent contract negotiations. The entire selection process was structured, transparent, very efficient and to the utmost satisfaction in all project phases for all participants. Thanks to your help, we were able to find an ideal agency partner in a very tight time frame. Last but not least, working in partnership with you has been a lot of fun. We are happy to work with you again if necessary and recommend you further.
    Katharina Jessel
    Head of Marketing & Sales DA Direkt Versicherung
  • Once you have worked with Francis Drake, at the latest, you will recognise the added value of a pitch consultancy. A very pleasant and professional cooperation that leads to a valuable result! We had a lot of fun working together. Our expectations were exceeded by far. Be assured that we will come back to you if we look for a new agency again.
    Silva Imken
    Head of Marketing DADO SENS
  • Many thanks to FRANCIS DRAKE for this high quality range of agencies.

    We would not have been able to make such a great selection on our own. And certainly not in the time.

    Ina Buhl
    Head of Marketing Communications Fendt EME
  • You brought us together with agency specialists (focusing on investment management communications) in an agency selection process tailor-made to our business needs, with whom we could start to work on an equal footing. As an "agency navigator", you provided us with well-founded industry know-how, a secure project, time management and exactly the agency that we would not have "discovered" on our own.
    Tobias Klein
    CEO & Partner First Private Investment Management
  • Francis Drake conducted a workshop in regard to the topic „Agency Landscape in Germany – How Can Marketing- and Communication-Departements find a Perfect Agency Partner in an Unclear Merket“. The workshop took place in context of my course „Brand – Marketing“ that is poart of the MBA program at FOM Bremen. The students were especially delighted about the profound approach to find the future agency partner among various others by using simple but highly efficient tools. It would be great to access Francis Drake’s Know how and competence during future events.
    Dr. Udo Marten
    Owner brand & value
  • GET AHEAD AG is an established, medium-sized top executive search company based in Hamburg. After several years of deliberate communicative abstinence, we wanted to accompany the further development through PR measures. It was time for us to look for a suitable communication agency. Since we had a tight time frame, we brought a reliable partner in house. After an intensive workshop analysing the needs, Francis Drake set up a stringent and time-ambitious selection process. In the end we decided on an agency within the context of the chemistry presentations and with a manageable budget. Thanks again for your individual and competent advice. We look forward to working with our new PR agency and, whenever needed, accessing your services again at any time.
    Matthias Zühlke
  • The cooperation was very pleasant and productive. Our goals and all our communication issues were understood by FRANCIS DRAKE so we got a very individual selection process.
    Beatrice Noffke-Kürten
    Marketing Manager Gothaer Insurance
  • After having never been completely happy with our self-researched agencies of the past years, we wanted to rely on the experience and the market overview of "insiders". In the process with Francis Drake many exciting agencies were introduced to us that weren’t aware of, but all fit our briefing. In the final selection and decision we were advised professionally and objectively, so that we could make the right choice.
    Olaf Altmann
    Head of Sales and Marketing Greenpeace Energy
  • We came to Francis Drake on recommendation. Previously, we were in doubt about actually engaging in external consultation as our task and budget were relatively manageable. Despite all this, we had and have a high demand for quality and creation. Francis Drake provided us a perfectly organized selection process that was tailored to our needs and a selection process including advice and content support during the final contract and remuneration negotiations. We can highly recommend the services of Francis Drake to all who want to find a new agency quickly and individually.
    Uwe von Spreckelsen
    Center Manager HanseViertel & Anke Wallach, Advertising Manager Hanseviertel
  • Francis Drake has proven themselves as an agency navigator. For both catalog agencies and digital agency, Francis Drake has searched and found suitable partners for us. We were navigated through a perfectly prepared and executed selection process. We would happily resort to the help of Francis Drake again.
    Ines Bizi
    Group Manager Marketing Services Hapag-Lloyd Cruises
  • Your support and extraordinary expertise in our tender for a digital agency has been extremely helpful. Thank you very much for your excellent support! We will gladly work with you again at any time and recommend you.
    Astrid Walpert
    PPO Category Manager C & TM & Sales Services Procurement & Purchasing Organization Germany JTI
  • If I had to sum up our selection process in one word, it would be "SMOOTH". Every day, I cope with a high workload, leaving little time for an agency selection. But thanks to your support, the selection process has been the only project that I have not had to worry about in its entirety. Everything was perfectly punctual and perfectly prepared. In other words, Francis Drake were the only ones in my Excel project list I never had to postpone.
    Helena Babic
    Head of Marketing DACH & Public Relations Europe, Africa & Middle East Region Personalized Imaging Kodak Alaris Germany
  • The support for the selection of our new B2B agency was excellent. We felt understood right from the start, the proposed agencies corresponded exactly to our briefing and the newly found agency hit us like a hammer. We are happy to recommend you!

    Oliver Gerrits
    Authorized Officer & Head of Department Marketing & Communication
  • Francis Drake has advised and supported us from the screening, through the selection of details to the chemistry checks, where we selected the perfect agency for us. We would always return to Francis Drake's services to get really good results. They think about everything and save valuable time for other important marketing tasks.
    Axel Schröder
    Marketing miaVILLA
  • The pre-selection and layout of potential PR agencies for Miles & More was compiled by the agency navigator, Francis Drake, accurately, clearly and meaningfully. The agencies selected for the short-list presented themselves during the chemistry check in the second step - perfectly briefed and organized by Francis Drake. Incidentally, the agencies also reported that. And finally, we look forward to working with our favorite PR agency!
    Bastian Daube
    Strategic Marketing Manager Miles & More
  • We need a new agency, quickly if possible. But how? Put it out to tender, look for one ourselves, pitch consulting?

    From point zero it was clear to us that with Francis Drake it would be good: industry expertise meets empathy. 

    The selection process was not only successful - it was also fun. Thank you!

    Regine Westermann
    Leitung Markenkommunikation Mittwald
  • Francis Drake accompanied us in the search for a digital agency for the design and standardization of the Nordzucker Group website. Lüsebrink and Niemeyer distinguished themselves by a fast comprehension and a deep understanding of our requirements and a very accurate implementation in the briefing of the candidates. Their very good knowledge of the industry led to an efficient selection process. In just a few steps, we have found an agency that meets our technical requirements and confirms the selection process in cooperation and personal "chemistry". We have always been well advised and supported by Francis Drake and we can recommend Francis Drake.
    Christian Kionka
    Head of Communications & Public Affairs Nordzucker Group
  • They did a great job. Each of the agencies would be a great addition to Pierre Fabre's dermo cosmetics.
    Gaby Wurth
    Marketing & Communication Director Pierre Fabre Dermo-Kosmetik
  • The more complex and specialised the task, the more difficult it is to find the right agency. This is aggravated by the fact that the high level of complexity usually goes hand in hand with high budgets. With your own research via google & Co. you quickly reach your limits. After all, it's not just about finding an agency that is capable of solving the task per se. It's about finding the best possible agency. And this is where Francis Drake was able to help us perfectly.
    Christian Burkhard
    Head of Marketing Pneuhage Group
  • We were very happy with the selection and have now taken a big step forward with our chosen agency with the Popp brand. Thank you once again for your professional and targeted support.
    Hauke Popp
    Marketing Popp Feinkost
  • FRANCIS DRAKE supported us in the search and selection of a new full service creative agency, as well as in the development of a state-of-the-art agency contract. We were glad to have the two consultants, Jörg Lüsebrink and Christian Niemeyer, by our side. Their market overview and in-depth industry and agency insights helped us a lot with the decision. We would use the services of FRANCIS DRAKE at any time.
    Stefan Jungmann
    Marketing Manager Porta!
  • This project has been very interesting for us and we’re really happy with the outcome. Francis Drake understood our needs very well and were able to find agencies that will I’m sure, do a very good job for us in the near future. The whole process was very smooth and we strongly recommend working with Francis Drake.
    Clément Lacour
    Teamhead Teamsport Marketing Europe
  • In search of a new B2B agency, we quickly realized that the agency landscape is a broad field and the competences of individuals are hardly comparable. With Francis Drake's insights, we quickly got an overview of matching agencies that could cover our very diverse needs and markets. From the requirement profile through the selection of details to the chemistry checks, each step was very well structured and well organized in terms of content. The agency selection process was a complete success and the support for the agency contract was very helpful as well. Many thanks for the excellent organization, the solution-oriented process support and the partnership-based cooperation.
    Sandra Gerber
    Head of Corporate Communications RENOLIT SE
  • Thank you very much for your professional and structured support for this year's agency search!
    Cathrin Duppel
    Marketing Manager Champagne & Wine Rotkäppchen-Mumm Sektkellereien
  • Thank you very much for your great support. We felt very well advised at all times.
    Olga Riechel
    Deputy Manager Training Centre of the Tax Administration of the State of Schleswig-Holstein
  • The task? Ambitious. The timing? Athletic. The result? First class! Not only did we have a very specific job profile which shows what our new media agency should do, but also extremely little time. A job for real specialists. From the first approach to the task to the development of the requirement profile to the screening and the production of the longlist, we always had the perfect partner at our side. In doing so, Francis Drake was not only characterized by a structured, fast and, above all, purposeful project work. Also, in terms of interpersonal matters, you always had the feeling that you had, not only a professional business partner, but also a good friend for the joint task on board. Thanks to Francis Drake. If you are looking for a new agency, I can only recommend one thing – pick up the phone and talk to the buccaneers of the Waterkant.
    Ingo Barz
    Specialist Marketing Campaigns Standard Life
  • The consulting agency FRANCIS DRAKE professionally supported us from start to finish in the Europe-wide tender for the acquisition of a creative agency (negotiation procedure with competitive bidding) within the framework of the strict legal requirements. FRANCIS DRAKE has convinced us time and again with its in-depth specialist knowledge and understanding of the industry, the communications regulations and the principles of cooperation, from the announcement, the evaluation criteria and the agency selection to a modern agency contract. In particular, we would like to point out that FRANCIS DRAKE supported us strategically and intelligently in the run-up to the call for tenders with the development of the brand identity and brand positioning for the Stiftung Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung. We were able to benefit greatly from FRANCIS DRAKE's excellent network of competent partners, including Miriam Barth, strategy consultant for brand development and communication. We would be happy to reaffirm FRANCIS DRAKE's services at any time and will gladly recommend them to others.
    Dr. Gundula Bavendamm
    Director of Stiftung Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung
  • A big thank you to FRANCIS DRAKE. They gave us a lot of support in preparing the tender and we found the right agency, which we had not known before.
    Susann Kusevic
    Zentrale kaufmännische Services - Einkauf (ZE) SSB
  • I am very grateful for the constructive and cooperative collaboration in the search for a creative agency. The process was professional, conclusive and convincing in its implementation from day one - from the creation of a longlist, the chemistry meetings and right up to the agency pitches, we could rely on the experience and judgement of FRANCIS DRAKE. The objectification and professionalisation of the selection process finally led to an excellent result, which we would not have achieved on our own. It was exciting for us to hear that the selected agencies also found the process pleasant and very well prepared - not least this showed us that the decision for Francis Drake was the right one. Thank you for your support!
    Pia Hesselschwerdt
    Leiterin Unternehmenskommunikation Volkswohnung
  • WILLMS Fleisch
  • Thank you for the support and assistance in choosing our future agency. That was very helpful for us and we think we made a good choice. We are happy to be your reference.
    Günter Tissen
    Chief Executive Economic Association Sugar; Association of the sugar industry
  • In the context of our urgent task to make the need for nature and environmental protection in society even more understandable, Francis Drake has supported us very successfully in the search and selection of an ideal agency for us and our requirements. The understanding of the task, the comprehensive market overview and the independence and objectivity in the consultation have led to a selection of suitable agencies, which has not made the decision easy for us, but has in the end led to a very promising result.
    Eberhard Brandes
    Managing Director WWF

Facts & Figures


Years of agency experience


Successful selection processes


Follow-up orders from satisfied customers


Public tenders


Agencies in the database


Partner in our network of specialists